Aadhar card search by name and DOB.

Aadhar card search by name and DOB.


aadhar card download by name, uidai aadhar card download by name and date of birth

Today, the Aadhaar card has gained prominence as the most important document to everyone, who is staying in India. It has even surpassed the importance of passport while doing all the important functions in India. You can realize its significance from the simple fact, that it is mandatory for all kind of documents like Income Tax, applying for passport application, opening the bank account, for subsidies on LPG, PF disbursal and reimbursement, digital life certificate etc. So, you must be very interested to know the steps for  aadhaar card download by name.


1) For all new applicants, the Aadhaar card is sent in the form of E-Aadhaar. For those of you, who have made any editing in the Aadhaar data like age, name, address etc, then first, you should log on to the website of Aadhaar. Next, you need to click on the link ‘ Check status – Update done online’. This will apply to all the changes, which you have done through the portal. If you have applied for changes at the Enrolment centre, click on the link which is given as ” Check Status – Update done at Enrolment Centre / ECMP ‘. Next, you should go to the check status page, where you will be able to view the update status of your request. There, you are required to enter the Aadhaar no, along with URN and SRN. SRN or service request no is the no, which you got along with the acknowledgement receipt while updating the data. You need to enter the captcha and press the click button along with ‘Get Status’ button. Then, in the Aadhaar website, you can observe whether the update request has been rejected or accepted.

2) For doing uidai aadhar card download by name and date of birth, do the following steps. Browse the actual website of UIDAI, https://uidai.gov.in. You must press click button on the link  ” Download Aadhar”.Then, a new page will open, where the user needs to choose the option, in which download e-Aadhaar. In that, you can give Virtual ID or Enrolment ID. Give all the details like Aadhaar no, Enrolment No, Virtual ID no, pin code and name. For those users who know OTP, you can check the box. You are required to enter the security code and press click button ‘Send OTP’. In the following screen, do enter the 6 digit OTP nos, which has come on your cell no and click on ” Download Aadhaar“. 

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