What to do in Selva di Val Gardena

What to do in Selva di Val Gardena


Selva di Val Gardena, whoseGermannameis Wolkenstein in Grödenis a typical mountain villagealsoknownonlyas Selva (itiscalledthis in the popularlocalLadinlanguage). Itis the highestvillage in the valley of the samename: a picturesquevillageat the foot of the Sella massif, the plateau thatseems to support the sky, under the jaggedpeaks of thismostspectacular part of the Dolomites, a splendid Alpine mountain range World Heritage Site. Unesco. Tourists are delighted to visit Selva di Val Gardena asthere are beautiful mountain landscapesaroundit. In addition, the country appears to be inhabited by a community rich in traditions to be discovered, suitable for a holidayallyear round.


In fact, in Selva di Val Gardena you can findeverything, from the mostadventurous and unusualsports, suchas climbing the icewaterfalls, to the tranquility and relaxation of itsmeadows and woods, to the delight of itstypicaldishes, prepared with food. absolutely genuine at zero kilometer. Almostall the structures in which to stay overnight in Selva di Val Gardena offertheirguests the opportunity to join the Active Card, a complete program of guided mountain walks, mountain bike excursions, cookinglessons and sportssuchasNordicwalking, rock climbing and yoga. Thereisreallyplenty of choice, to meeteveryone’sneeds.


The Dolomites are certainly the greatestattraction of Selva. Theyform the backdrop to this Alpine town, makingit of disarmingnatural beauty, an imposing and wonderfulpresencethat surrounds, embracingit, the entirevalley. Therefore, in Selva di Val Gardena youcannotmiss the excursions, whichyou can do to discovertheseimposingpeaks and the lushvalleysthat open betweenthem, are trulynumerous and varied. Reasonwhy Selva di Val Gardena isconsidered a populardestination for hikers and nature lovers, from beginners to the mostexperienced, even in summer, giventhatthanks to the dense network of interconnectedcablecarsyou can walkatyourleisurethroughout the area, enjoying full lungs of the crisp mountain air and admiring the most beautiful viewswithoutexcessiveeffort.

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